Author Archives: John

How to connect to admin shares in Windows 10

I recently started using my Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade to Windows 10 and noticed among other frustrating issues an inability to connect to another computer’s administrative (the $ shares) share. As you can imaging there are time befitting the king … Continue reading

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A Customer Service (or not) Story

Generally speaking, I don’t write about problems I encounter in purchasing goods or services whether on-line or in a retail store. Stories are just not that interesting as they usually involve a little inconvenience in the time and effort it … Continue reading

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HP Photosmart B210 does not print black ink

Suddenly, when needed the most, you find that your HP printer misbehaves. No, I don’t mean the error that you have not installed a “genuine HP cartridge.” That’s really irritating and may force you to purchase an additional cartridge or … Continue reading

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My Update Windows 7 to Windows 10

The late Steve Jobs had a reputation for telling people exactly what was on his mind when working with an Apple product in development. I think the phrase was “This is crap!” or words to that effect. I just went … Continue reading

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Test Drive Veeam Endpoint Backup (Beta) – Update

Veeam recently published the Veeam Endpoint Backup Release Candidate (RC). I found out about it while browsing through the Forums. Here’s the link to the post: It contains a list of new features and fixes. The bits are located here: … Continue reading

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Test drive Veeam Endpoint Backup (Beta)

Veeam recently announced an additional backup product to compliment their Availability Suite V8 solution. It’s called Veeam Endpoint Backup (VEB). As of this writing it is Beta Release. VEB is a standalone backup solution for physical computers.

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Using Windows Task Scheduler to Launch Veeam PowerShell

Veeam Backup and Replication provides a PowerShell scripting environment to help administrators manage their Veeam installation. Veeam Backup Powershell SDK as it is known is a PowerShell snap-in. You’ve probably seen it as an option that is available but not … Continue reading

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Veeam Replication-Failover-Failback

Replication is the process of copying a VM from a source host to a target host which may be a redundant host in the same site or more often than not to a Disaster Recover (DR) site. Veeam creates an … Continue reading

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Veeam Backup and VMware Independent Disks

Virtual Machine snapshots may grow in size in a highly transactional server. As a result, the removal may take significant time to complete and the final merge oreration may cause a network interruption. Using Independent disks for SQL data may help alleviate the problem. Continue reading

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Using Multiple Physical NICs in Hyper-V

I have a lab environment that I use to “try before implementing “things” Microsoft. The lab is hosted on a PC running Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V. The physical Hyper-V server may host at least 4 guest Windows servers … Continue reading

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