I became aware of the book, Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void by Mary Roach while reading Time Magazine. The review just hocked me on the spot, so in no time I downloaded the book to my Kindle. I have to comment on the technology sprint to obsolesence – I paid $169 for the K3 w/o 3G a while back in people time. The new Kindle, the one with no keypad is $139 w/ 3G; however the new Fire is back to $199. Go figure.
Back to the book. Think about this – the ultimate road trip. We don’t know how to put people in those suspended animation states like you find in sci-fi movies so what do we do about food and poop on a closed container traveling to another planet? This is the subject that Mary covers in this book. She takes us on a journey through the US and Russian space agencies investigating what to do with human input-output needs. Hint: going to Mars will require 100% recycling. If that is TMI (too much information) then skip this book but for the curious, it provides a good read.
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