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See New Features for more on Oracle9iAS innovation in this solution area.
For more information on e-business integration, see the Oracle9iAS Concepts Guide.
E-Business Integration |
- Oracle9iAS has a powerful set of features that provide communications
and integration capabilities for e-business applications.
- Oracle9iAS Integration provides a complete solution for designing, deploying, and managing integration of Oracle Applications, third-party packaged applications, and legacy systems.
- Oracle Transparent Gateways integrate data from non-Oracle systems with data stored in an Oracle database.
- Oracle9iAS InterConnect provides a visual, metadata-driven solution for defining, mapping, transforming, and routing business events and messages.
- Using Oracle Workflow with Oracle9iAS InterConnect, you can automate and continuously improve business processes across your enterprise, both during design and at runtime.
- Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) provides message queuing with multiple modes of delivery for Oracle Workflow and Oracle9iAS InterConnect.
- Oracle9iAS provides support and services to enable creation, publication, and management of Web services invoked by Internet applications.
- Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging provides both directory services and single mail-box access for multiple types of messaging clients operating in different media.
- Oracle Internet File System is a Java-based repository and development environment that acts like a file server, storing different file types in a single repository, and providing access through a single set of folders.