Use this page to request a certificate. An administrator who performs certificate management functions must be a certificate holder. The Web Administrator Enrollment page contains the following headings:
DN Information
The distinguished name (DN) is the location of a user's entry in Oracle Internet Directory. Oracle Certificate Authority uses the directory entry to store and retrieve the user's certificate. You must enter information into all fields preceded by an asterisk (*). These are as follows:
Common Name
The name of the Oracle Certificate Authority administrator
The company to which the administrator belongs
Certificate Authority Admininstrator Password
The administrator's password. This is the password specified when installing Oracle Certificate Authority.
Certificate Information
The fields under this heading enable you to specify how strong the administrator's certificate key is and how long the certificate is valid. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you designate the storage mechanism instead of the key strength.
Certificate Key Size (Netscape Communicator users)
The length of the private key that will be generated by your browser. The longer the key, the stronger the encryption. Click the list to choose one of three alternatives.
Certificate Key Store (Internet Explorer users)
The type of certificate storage. Click the list to choose one of several storage methods. Choose Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider for 512 bit certificates. Choose Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider for 1024 certificates. Choose another option only if you have a corresponding smart card device installed on your system. For example, if you have a Gemplus smart card installed, then you may choose Gemplus GemSAFE Card CSP. Please note that this last option is the default.
Validity Period (both types of users)
The length of time the certificate is valid. Click the list to choose one of four alternatives.
For enrollment instructions, please see Enrolling As and Changing the Administrator.