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Configuration Management -- General

Use the General page of the Configuration Management tab to view database and directory information, enable publishing certificates to the directory, enable logging and tracing, and to specify default values for distinguished name (DN) components.

You can view or configure the following parameters:

Certificate Publishing

Allows you to automatically store certificates in the directory when they are issued, and automatically delete them when revoked. You can choose either SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or non-SSL for the network connection to the directory. Choosing SSL provides a secure connection between Oracle Certificate Authority server and the directory.

SSL and SSO Authentication

By default, users who are authenticated by SSL or Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On can automatically issue, revoke, or renew their own certificates. You can disable this feature by unchecking Enable SSL Authentication or Enable SSO Authentication.

Logging and Tracing

Allows you to enable logging or tracing. Oracle Certificate Authority server logs error information for all components it manages. By default, logging is enabled.

Default Base DN Components

If most of the DNs specified in enrollment requests have identical components (except the unique identifier component), then you can specify them here. Then manual enrollment request form fields generated by Oracle Certificate Authority will prepopulate with these default components, which users can overwrite if necessary. All fields are optional.

Database Settings

Displays the database connect string used to connect to the Oracle Certificate Authority repository. This field is read-only.

Directory Settings

Displays directory host machine, listener port, and the bind DN that has privileges on the directory host port (the Oracle Certificate Authority LDAP agent that publishes users' certificates to Oracle Internet Directory). All fields are read-only.

The buttons at the bottom of the page perform the functions described in the following table:

Button Name

Function Description


Click this button to reset all changed parameters to their previous values.


Click this button to cancel any changes made to this page and return to the main Configuration Management page (Notification).


Click this button to save any changes made to this page. A message confirming that the configuration file was updated appears at the top of the screen. Restart the server as described in Starting and Stopping Oracle Certificate Authority Server for the changes to take effect.

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