Browser Detection Script checks if Internet Explorer 5.5 is being used and adjusts the font size if it is.

Certificate Request Approval--Manual

Use this page to approve a certificate request. Click Submit to approve the request. Choosing Cancel returns you to the Requests page.

This page displays details of the certificate request and allows you to enable or edit the following features and fields:

If policy checking is disabled (unchecked), then policy rules are not applied to the certificate request. This is useful when issuing special certificates that do not conform to policy rules.

Administrators can edit the DN if users have entered it incorrectly.

Administrators can change the validity period before approving certificate requests.

The read-only Certificate Request Information fields are described as follows:




This value is always "PENDING."

Certificate Type

This value is either "client" or "server."

Certificate Usage

This is one of four values: SSL Client, Signing, Code Signing, and CA Signing.

Serial Number

The serial number used to reference the certificate when it is pending or once it has been granted. Oracle Certificate Authority assigns a new value when you approve a certificate request.

Subject DN

The distinguished name (DN) of the requester. The DN is the location of the requester's user entry in Oracle Internet Directory.

Request Date

The date and time that the user entered the request on the manual request form.


The algorithm used to encrypt the certificate and the exponent.


The public key exponent. The larger this number is, the longer clients take to encrypt messages.

Please see Approving Certificate Requests to learn how to perform this task.