To approve a certificate request:
From the Administration home page, click Certificate Management.
The Requests page appears. It displays all of the certificates currently pending.
To search for a particular certificate request, choose ID/Serial No from the Search menu to search by the serial number of the certificate request. Choose Common Name to search by the name of the certificate requester.
Enter the serial number or the common name in the Search field, and then click Go.
Oracle Certificate Authority displays the certificate request that matches your search criteria.
Click the radio button adjacent to the Request ID number. Click Approve.
The Certificate Request Approval page appears and displays information about the certificate.
On the Certificate Request Approval page, you can perform the following tasks:
Enable policy checking against this certificate request.
Verify that certificate details are correct and that requesters are who they claim to be. You can use the contact information to notify requesters when their certificates are issued.
Edit the Subject DN, if necessary.
Change the Validity period, if necessary.
Click Submit.
A message appears indicating that the certificate request has been approved successfully.
Notify users that their certificates have been issued if automatic notifications have not been configured.
Searching for and Listing Certificates and Certificate Requests