Group Selection Window

Use this window to select an Enterprise User Security administrative group to edit (change owner, add members, assign directory privileges) or to view its details. These groups are defined in the following table:


Default Permissions

Oracle Database Registration Administrators

  • Registers new databases in the realm Oracle Context

  • Modifies the default enterprise domain (Default Domain)

Oracle Database Security Administrators

  • Root privileges on OracleDBSecurity directory subtree

  • Creates, modifies, and has read access for all Enterprise User Security directory objects

Oracle Context Administrators

  • Full access to all groups and entries within its associated realm Oracle Context

  • Default owner: User who creates the identity management realm. If it is the realm created during installation, then the default owner is orcladmin.

User Security Administrators

  • Relevant permissions to administer enterprise users in the directory. For example, User Security Administrators can read wallet password hints and modify user passwords.

To edit a group's details, select a group and click Edit at the upper right corner of the group table.